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Wire Crate vs. Plastic Kennel: Which One Is Best For Your Pup?

Wire Crate vs. Plastic Kennel: Which One Is Best For Your Pup?

When choosing the right crate for your dog, the style is just as important as the size. Taking a look at the wire crate vs. plastic kennel, hopefully, you will be able to determine the right crate for your dog.

Most importantly, whichever crate you choose must be size appropriate for your dog. The dog must be able to not only stand up inside of the crate, but be able to turn around in it as well as to lay down stretched out.

Never choose a crate that is too large for your specific dog, as he will rest in one end and use the other end as his own personal urinal. Naturally, if the crate is the right size, Fido will not want to soil his sleeping area.

With that being said, if you have a large breed dog that has not fully grown into his adult size, if you choose a large crate, be sure and put a buffer box.

A buffer box should be large enough to fit snugly into one end of the kennel as not to be able to move. This will take up any extra space that the dog may use as his potty area. By nature, a dog will not soil his bed.

Wire Crate:

It seems to me when you have a rambunctious pooch that gets his thrills from escaping his crate, the wire crate is a good choice. In my experience, the little escape artist hidden deep within some dogs’ personality seems to get a sense of accomplishment when escaping from his crate.

The wire crate is sturdy and effective if it is designed properly. By properly, I mean to say that the corners are locked down, as that is Fido’s go to spot. If Fido can get his nose through the bottom corner of the door, he can usually push the rest of his body through with some determination.

Most wire crates that I have seen on store shelves, has a single clasp in the center of the door. This is ideal for a good escape, unless you tie the corners, above and below the clasp with bread ties or something similar. The idea is to keep the dog from being able to get his snout through, to make an opening to eventually push his body through.

Plastic Kennel:

A plastic kennel seems to be better designed as far as the door goes, as it has a rod that anchors the corners down when it is latched. However, it should be noted that the plastic kennels, are not very well ventilated if the area the kennel is placed requires more ventilation for your pooch.

A plastic kennel is lightweight and easily transportable, therefore, it seems to be the choice kennel among most dog owners.

In the End:

Regardless of the crate you decide to use for your dog, keep in mind that kennels/crates are not designed to confine a dog in all day long. Kennels/crates are a tool to assist in housetraining a dog as well as to give a dog a place to feel secure in while he sleeps.

Gayle CastanedaGayle Castaneda – Blogger at

Writing has always been a dream of mine and dogs have always been a passion. I was inspired to start a website because of my latest rescue dog Rocky.  When I got Rocky, he was totally out of control. Destroying everything he came into contact with.

I have always had a knack with working with dogs, and because of this within a few weeks Rocky was a very different dog. I was able to put my dream of writing and my passion for dogs together in a website in hopes of helping others with common and not so common dog issues.

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