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Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities – May Charity Spotlight on Retrieving Freedom Inc.

Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities – May Charity Spotlight on Retrieving Freedom Inc.

Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities. RFI (Retrieving Freedom, Inc.) is a non-profit corporation whose mission includes improving the quality of life for wounded veterans, disabled citizens, and children with autism through the placement of skillfully trained service, therapy, and companion dogs. RFI trains Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers to use their natural traits to become a perfect assistance dog.  RFI’s service dogs go through a twenty-four month training process tailored to meet the precise needs of the person with whom they will be placed.  RFI is not a “one dog for all” type of organization.  Nationally, the …  Continue reading →

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Does Your Dog Need a Sweater?

Does Your Dog Need a Sweater?

Does your dog need a sweater? The answer depends on where you live, what kind of dog you have, and in some cases, personal preference. I love dog sweaters (and so does my dog), but I also live in the Midwest where sub-zero days in January and February are the norm. Dogs with thick fur stay warm on their own as long as they stay dry. While others – shorthaired or short-legged dogs, seniors, puppies, toy breeds, thin dogs with very little body fat, and dogs with chronic health or immune system issues – need the extra layer when the …  Continue reading →

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6-Simple Steps to Learn Animal Communication!

6-Simple Steps to Learn Animal Communication!

Would you like to explore what Animal Communication is all about? Maybe you have wanted to learn how but didn’t know where to begin? Or do you already know how to communicate with your animal and would like some extra tips? Whatever your goal may be — you have come to the right place to get the answers to these questions and some others that you may have. Before I share with you the 6-Steps of what I exactly teach my Animal Communication students (see my bio below for more details), here are some are some things to consider. Let’s …  Continue reading →

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K9 Epilepsy: What’s in Your Dog’s Epi First Aid Kit?

K9 Epilepsy: What’s in Your Dog’s Epi First Aid Kit?

It is November and with it comes the time of year when many of us are busy with the hustle, bustle, and preparations for the upcoming holidays. November is also Epilepsy Awareness Month, a time to support those living with epilepsy—humans and canines. So while you are making lists and checking them twice, I encourage you to do a purple awareness ribbon in support, and if you share your life with a dog who has Canine Epilepsy, to use this time to take inventory of your dog’s Epi First Aid Kit. First, and foremost, if your dog has a seizure...

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Not All Dog Toys Are Alike

Not All Dog Toys Are Alike

Why do we buy toys for our dogs? Is it really for them or do the companies really market to the pet parents to sell ‘cute’ toys? Maybe a little of both? A lot of toys in the stores sell dog toys that aren’t cheap but most don’t last very long once you get it home. Take time to shop around so that you can find toys...

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12 Pet Tech Apps to Make Caring for Your Pet Easier

12 Pet Tech Apps to Make Caring for Your Pet Easier

It’s stating the obvious to say that your pet’s health is very important. Just like their human companions, this includes mental health and stimulation – this last is really important in helping alleviate common problems for dogs such as boredom, loneliness, separation anxiety and lack of mental stimulation.

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5 Health Benefits of Adding Pumpkin to Your Dog’s Diet

5 Health Benefits of Adding Pumpkin to Your Dog’s Diet

Ah, October! Here in the northeast, it is truly one of the most beautiful seasons as trees become emblazoned with leaves changing from bright orange to sunny yellow and apple red! There is a crispness in the air that puts pep not only our steps, but our dog’s as well! Along with the drop in temperatures, the season is ripe for fun with apple and pumpkin picking at area farms! And who hasn’t seen the “pumpkin is the spice of life” on t-shirts and in everything from coffees, teas, and cereals (for humans) to delectable treats for both people and …  Continue reading →

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Why Dogs Should Have Spa Days Too

Why Dogs Should Have Spa Days Too

Who doesn’t like a spa day? Manicure, pedicure, a nice style to make us look our best can really lift spirits. Looking good can make you feel good and ready for anything that comes your way. Unfortunately, our dogs don’t feel the exact way about their spa day. As a dog groomer, I deal with this often...

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5 Psychological Benefits to Having Pets at Home

5 Psychological Benefits to Having Pets at Home

I wanted to tell you about Colonel Deems and his dog Riley. In a court case reported in the New York Times in 1908, it was announced that the Colonel’s attachment to his pet was “not evidence of a mental derangement.” Now, over 100 years later, we know even more: that Riley probably helped Colonel Deems stave off...

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Are You Afraid of Scary Dogs? Read This

Are You Afraid of Scary Dogs? Read This

Do you feel nervous around scary dogs? If so, please take a minute to read this. So today I got a lovely email out of the blue which got me thinking! Yelski, my first foster dog, was sent to Sweden 6 years ago, and his owner who adopted him just found me on Facebook and sent me the beautiful picture.

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Help! Why Does My Dog Bark and Lunge at People and Other Dogs?

Help! Why Does My Dog Bark and Lunge at People and Other Dogs?

If you have a dog that barks and lunges at other dogs and people, it can be very stressful. After work, you want to take your dog on a relaxing walk to unwind but you end up more stressed than when you started! This is particularly perplexing for you if your dog is a sweet and loving angel at home with people and dogs that he or she loves. I not only work with these dogs every day, I also have had dogs like this myself. Sometimes these dogs come from shelters or rescues with these behaviors, other times the …  Continue reading →

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Why You Should Not Shave a Siberian Husky

Why You Should Not Shave a Siberian Husky

Ahhh, summertime is here! It is the long-awaited season of fun in the sun and having our furry best friends accompany us on so many of our adventures.   With summer, comes that ol’ hot summer heat, and while a double-coated northern breed dog, such as a Siberian Husky, may make you feel hot looking at all that fur, and you may be tempted to shave him/her, I am here to tell you, don’t do it! Maybe you have seen one of those so-called “funny” shaved Husky memes going around on social media, but the truth is shaving a Husky, …  Continue reading →

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