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Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities – May Charity Spotlight on Retrieving Freedom Inc.

Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities – May Charity Spotlight on Retrieving Freedom Inc.

Where Some See Limitations, RFI Brings Opportunities. RFI (Retrieving Freedom, Inc.) is a non-profit corporation whose mission includes improving the quality of life for wounded veterans, disabled citizens, and children with autism through the placement of skillfully trained service, therapy, and companion dogs. RFI trains Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers to use their natural traits to become a perfect assistance dog.  RFI’s service dogs go through a twenty-four month training process tailored to meet the precise needs of the person with whom they will be placed.  RFI is not a “one dog for all” type of organization.  Nationally, the …  Continue reading →

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Keeping Your Dogs Happy When You Are Away from Home

Keeping Your Dogs Happy When You Are Away from Home

One of the most successful ways to keep your dog happy and busy whilst you are out from the family home is to introduce some environmental enrichment.   Essentially you are giving your dog lots of fun things to think about and do whilst you are away at work for the day, it also helps them keep up their natural behaviors of sniffing out items, being inquisitive and perhaps jumping up, digging and reaching for objects. Some examples that are easy to make, cheap and the kids will also have fun being involved! These include objects that make the dog …  Continue reading →

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Not All Dog Toys Are Alike

Not All Dog Toys Are Alike

Why do we buy toys for our dogs? Is it really for them or do the companies really market to the pet parents to sell ‘cute’ toys? Maybe a little of both? A lot of toys in the stores sell dog toys that aren’t cheap but most don’t last very long once you get it home. Take time to shop around so that you can find toys...

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How to Educate Your Children on Canine Behavior

How to Educate Your Children on Canine Behavior

As the owner and head trainer of Michael’s Pack, a dog training company devoted to canine behavior issues, located in Long Island, N.Y., I am constantly called upon to address issues between children and their interactions with dogs, be it the family dog or a dog they meet on the street.   Children and dog interaction are usually quite different from adult/dog interaction. Parents need to educate their children on canine behavior to help ensure their child experiences a positive rather than a negative and/or dangerous experience when meeting dogs. The first thing is to understand that all dogs are different. …  Continue reading →

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Why I DON’T Train My Clients’ Dogs to Heel

Why I DON’T Train My Clients’ Dogs to Heel

In the basic obedience classes I teach as a dog trainer, I don’t spend hours training the dogs to heel. I don’t even spend much time on loose-leash walking as a trained behavior. I simply direct my students to the smorgasbord of anti-pull gear at the local pet store (front-clip harnesses and head halters), and move on to other items on the curriculum, like safety recalls, jumping up, and leave-it. It’s not that training dogs to heel isn’t fun–it certainly can be, if we toss the out-moded leash-pop and use a modern training plan. But few of my students actually …  Continue reading →

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How to Prepare for Air Travel With Your Dog

How to Prepare for Air Travel With Your Dog

New year, new adventures! Are you planning a big trip in 2017? And are you thinking about bringing your dog along for the ride (or flight)?   Besides working out where to stay and what to eat, there are many things to consider when flying with a pet. Here is how you can prepare yourself, and your dog, for air travel. As soon as you have decided on a destination, it is crucial to start planning your trip at least a month ahead of time. There is a lot to do! 1. Plan Your Trip You will have to decide whether …  Continue reading →

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How to Choose the Right Dog for Your Family

How to Choose the Right Dog for Your Family

I once had an 85 year old man come to me because his niece gave him a Jack Russell puppy because he had had a Jack Russell before. This match was difficult from the start. Jack Russell’s tend to be intelligent and highly active. They usually need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. This dog was no exception. The man did not have the skills or the desire to teach this puppy. He tried to keep her for a year but had to finally find another home for her. This was devastating for the man and the puppy. I often …  Continue reading →

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What’s The Difference Between Male and Female Dogs?

What’s The Difference Between Male and Female Dogs?

Being owned by both male and female Siberian Huskies, I often get asked which is better, and/or which I prefer. This is no simple answer, but there are some differences between male and female huskies, which I will highlight for you today. So let’s have a little fun with Male VS Female Dogs. Keep in mind that these are my opinions, and are from my own experiences from a life time of being owned by dogs as well as cats. All pets are different and these are just guidelines for you to follow. Let’s Start With Male Huskies/Dogs: In my …  Continue reading →

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Holistic-Integrative Pet Care: The Wave of the Future

Holistic-Integrative Pet Care: The Wave of the Future

Holistic veterinary care is in great demand these days. The term “holistic” implies that the entire being; body, mind and spirit, is being addressed. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This concept stands in direct opposition to the Western reductionist view of life. Modern medicine tends to break systems down into smaller and smaller pieces, reducing them to their basic building blocks to gain an understanding. Often, the modern doctor loses sight of the forest for the trees. Holistic medicine takes many forms, but there are common principles among these various techniques. First of all, health …  Continue reading →

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The 4 Quadrants of Dog Training: Are You Doing All Four?

The 4 Quadrants of Dog Training: Are You Doing All Four?

There are four ‘quadrants’ when it comes to dog training; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. To summarise quickly… Positive reinforcement is when you add something to the dogs environment that he likes for example if he sits he gets a piece of cheese. This increases the chances of the behaviour happening again. Negative reinforcement is when you remove something the dog doesn’t like from the environment; for example stopping an electric shock when the dog eventually sits down. The dog learns that by sitting he avoids the shock thus increasing the chances of the behaviour happening …  Continue reading →

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Important Trail Etiquette You Should Know When Walking Your Dog

Important Trail Etiquette You Should Know When Walking Your Dog

I love walking with my dogs on the local rail trail in New Hampshire or on the beach in the off-season on Cape Cod. I feel rejuvenated after getting some fresh air and some vigorous exercise and I know the dogs are better for it. They are more content, less destructive and there is an overall calmness. My partner likes to say that dogs need more energy-withdrawals than deposits. Dogs that sit around the house, day after day are making energy deposits. Dogs that are walked regularly or go on hikes are having energy withdrawals. I believe there is dog …  Continue reading →

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A Dozen Ways to Entertain Your Dog on a Rainy Day

A Dozen Ways to Entertain Your Dog on a Rainy Day

While rain can send one dog diving into mud puddles, it can also send others to run for cover! When the skies are not sunny and long periods of rain keep dogs indoors, many will display signs of boredom. Even the overflowing box of toys seems unappealing. What’s a dog parent to do? Here’s 12 Ways to Help Entertain Your Dog on Those Rain-Soaked Days: 1. Singin’ in the Rain Channel your inner Gene Kelly and grab your umbrella, slip on your rain slicker and boots, and enjoy a walk in the rain! (Don’t forget your dog’s raincoat, too!) If …  Continue reading →

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