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How to Choose the Right Puppy For Your Lifestyle

How to Choose the Right Puppy For Your Lifestyle

Many people pick fluffy, cute puppies; when in fact they should be choosing a puppy that fits their lifestyle the best.

This is the most common mistake when looking to make a puppy a part of your family. Some families are looking for a dog that will lie around the house with them and their children, while others are looking for a puppy that will be able to go hiking with them on their weekend camping trips. Although this task of choosing a puppy may seem easy, it is something that be done with a lot of thought and research on the different breeds to choose one that best suits your family. After selecting what breed of puppy you are interested in, the next step is to find a reputable breeder or rescue to start the process of making that dream come true.

Once you are ready to bring your dog home there is one thing that you should remember: be prepared for a huge change. This is not something that should scare you from getting a new dog, just warn you to remember that most things will change. You will be waking up in the middle of the night to let puppy out, you will be spending a lot of time playing with and exercising this puppy, you will also be needing to spend time training this new family member, showing it what you want it to do. Most people do not realize that when bringing your new puppy into your family that it takes time to let them adjust and learn what you want from them.

Here at Off Leash K9 New Orleans we frequently get asked:

“What should I do with my new puppy to make them great?”

We always give the same answer: “Everything.” To make your dog great you should try to do everything with your dog, get them exposed to various smells, sounds and sights. The puppy needs to be around big people, small people, tall people, short people, people wearing hats, sunglasses and hoodies. The puppy needs to be around big dogs, small dogs, dogs that bark and dogs that play rough. The puppy needs to be around different smells and sounds, to include bicycles, motorcycles and trains. Incorporating these different elements will help stabilize your dog as they grow to instill a sound foundation and decrease potential anxiety due to new situations.

For more information on Puppy Training, read: Raising the Perfect Dog,” written by Nicholas White, Founder & CEO of Off Leash K9 Training

Chloe VaughanChloe Vaughan

Chloe Vaughan grew up in an Army family and has lived all over the United States and Germany. She began working with dogs at the age of 13 years old, volunteering at a Vet Clinic. After high school, she went to The University of Tennessee, earning a Bachelors in German and later earning a Masters in Business Administration, in 2015. She has dedicated her time with Dog Rescues since 2010. Chloe, was a Middle and High School Teacher for 2 years. She is a veteran Off Leash K9 Training, Trainer.

Chloe moves to New Orleans, Louisiana as an Off Leash Trainer with experience in Basic, Advance, Therapy, Service, Tracking & Trailing, Search & Rescue, Nosework, Aggression, and is a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.

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