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5 Health Benefits of Adding Pumpkin to Your Dog’s Diet

5 Health Benefits of Adding Pumpkin to Your Dog’s Diet

Ah, October! Here in the northeast, it is truly one of the most beautiful seasons as trees become emblazoned with leaves changing from bright orange to sunny yellow and apple red! There is a crispness in the air that puts pep not only our steps, but our dog’s as well! Along with the drop in temperatures, the season is ripe for fun with apple and pumpkin picking at area farms! And who hasn’t seen the “pumpkin is the spice of life” on t-shirts and in everything from coffees, teas, and cereals (for humans) to delectable treats for both people and …  Continue reading →

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Why You Should Not Shave a Siberian Husky

Why You Should Not Shave a Siberian Husky

Ahhh, summertime is here! It is the long-awaited season of fun in the sun and having our furry best friends accompany us on so many of our adventures.   With summer, comes that ol’ hot summer heat, and while a double-coated northern breed dog, such as a Siberian Husky, may make you feel hot looking at all that fur, and you may be tempted to shave him/her, I am here to tell you, don’t do it! Maybe you have seen one of those so-called “funny” shaved Husky memes going around on social media, but the truth is shaving a Husky, …  Continue reading →

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How to Choose the Right Puppy For Your Lifestyle

How to Choose the Right Puppy For Your Lifestyle

Many people pick fluffy, cute puppies; when in fact they should be choosing a puppy that fits their lifestyle the best. This is the most common mistake when looking to make a puppy a part of your family. Some families are looking for a dog that will lie around the house with them and their children, while others are looking for a puppy that will be able to go hiking with them on their weekend camping trips. Although this task of choosing a puppy may seem easy, it is something that be done with a lot of thought and research …  Continue reading →

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6 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean From Dog Hair

6 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean From Dog Hair

If you ever read my blog, My Kid Has Paws; you know that Rooney is the kind of dog who loves to swim in mud puddles as much as he loves to swim in swimming pools. Not to mention, he sheds, a ton!   So, one would imagine that my car isn’t always in the best shape. However, my car is new, so I try not to let the dog hair in my car get out of control. Today, I would like to share with you some tips that you can use to keep your car clean from dog hair. …  Continue reading →

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Why Guard Dogs Should Not Be Aggressive

Why Guard Dogs Should Not Be Aggressive

I own a Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) named Zeus. If you are unfamiliar with the breed, think 100-pounds of muscle in the form of what many think looks like a giant Pitbull.   People constantly cross the street, pick up their small children, and shoo their dogs away when we are walking by. I know this is because people are afraid of Zeus, they assume he is aggressive and would harm them. If only they knew how well behaved he is and that he will not attack at any given moment. When most people think of a typical guard dog …  Continue reading →

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How to Get Your Dog to Sleep In Its Own Bed

How to Get Your Dog to Sleep In Its Own Bed

It may seem like a good idea, particularly on a cold and lonely night, to let your dog sleep in your bed. However, before you know it, you are ready to have your own bed back, but your dog doesn’t want to leave anymore. You may think that all you need is to offer the dog a comfortable alternative, but...

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