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The Science Behind Why Dogs Stare At Us
The Science Behind Why Dogs Stare At Us By Melisa Monroe Have you ever looked up to someone...like really really looked up to them? Do you wonder if anyone looks up to you with similar adoration? If you own a dog, you're probably used to being looked up to literally and metaphorically. But why do our dogs stare at us with such admiration? Though we've done many things to deserve it, is there more to this longing gaze? Every dog owner is familiar with the eyes of their fluffs constantly staring at them. Picture yourself walking around your living room, wondering where to put the odd-looking souvenir your sister-in-law gifted you from Waikiki. Then, you notice your dog's eyes following you from one side to the other with complete and utter admiration. Love it or hate it, there may be more to this perpetual staring contest than meets the eye. Canine psychologists have recently discovered a few things that make our dogs tick. How dogs became our best friends Our dog's gaze tells a profound story of the evolution of our age-old relationship with them. As humans transitioned from nomad hunter-gatherers to sedentary farmers, settling into the first precarious villages, surrounding groups of wolves would gather around. Being quite messy herds of people as we are today, we would leave scraps of food around that wolves would, in turn, scavenge. At first, wolves were naturally timid around human settlers, but this caused them to waste energy running away every time they would see a human. Confident, less fearful wolves had better chances at survival as they had better access to human leftovers. A new group of wolves began evolving by natural selection: smaller wolves who required less food and were much more tolerant to humans. A stare worth a thousand words In the animal world, a stare is worth a thousand words. A gaze is a sign of threat for most animals, such as wolves. But, as dogs have evolved by our side, becoming our best friends, their stare has become a sophisticated means of interspecies communication. In the earliest days of the human-dog partnership, communication was a manner of survival. As dogs increasingly relied on us for their fundamental canine needs, they learned to observe and interpret our behaviors. Dogs crave our acceptance Being able to distinguish our expressions, a possible reason why they gaze at us is that they are trying to figure out how to behave to please us best. Dogs want to fit in around us. They crave acceptance and their owners are the leaders of the pack. "Should I be cute now? Should I be quiet? Should I be excited?" could be thoughts going through our dog's minds as they gaze at us. The moments they are happiest are when they're by our sides, so our dogs want to prolong them as much as they can by staying on their best behavior (good boys and girls!). Dogs stare at us looking for cues Dogs like knowing what’s happening and often wait for the significant events that make up their day (food time, playtime, walks). Our faces are their primary source of information about when those things will happen. Columbian Professor of canine cognition Alexandra Horowitz has delved deeply into this subject manner, noting that we’re in control of when they eat, when they defecate, and when they can “go outside and sniff the world around them”. But, she says, this goes even deeper, as it’s linked to a bond of intimacy that has developed between our furry companions and us. Dogs are trying to figure us out A recent study published in 2015 by Corsin A. Muller and his colleagues at the University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna) recently revealed that dogs do, indeed, distinguish our emotions. This study aimed at determining if dogs could tell the difference between a happy and an angry face simply from the information they received from an owner's face. Their findings were astonishing—dogs do actually get us. Dogs have so fine-tuned their ability to read into us that they can distinguish their owner's expressions even by looking at images. Another interesting study was done where pet dogs were shown images of happy and angry faces on a computer screen. They would get a treat when they would approach and nose-touch an image on the screen. Researchers found that when seeing an angry face, the dogs would be reluctant to approach the image, despite the promised treat. Our dogs crave our intimacy Through their careful study of our behavior, dogs have discovered that humans gaze at each other as a sign of intimacy and friendliness. What our dogs want the most in the world is to be a part of our families. So, they imitate this behavior to be a part of the clan (aww). Dogs love us People often wonder if their dogs love them or are simply in it for the food. However, in a recent study done in 2022, scientists have proved that dogs do, in fact, love us. The study was published by Peer J Life and Environment and aimed at discovering if dogs would prefer their owners to food. In this study, after the dog's owner arrived home, a bowl of food was placed in a small circle about 2 meters from the door, as the owner stood at another circle that was 2 meters from the door at an opposite angle. The dogs chose their owner eight out of 10 times! Conclusion When we feel nobody gets us like our dogs, it's because it's likely to be true: our dogs can recognize our emotions just as our expressions begin to break into our faces. When your dog approaches you and places their paw on your lap after you've had a after you've had a tough day at work, their gesture is sincere, and your well-being is essential to them.
Learn moreSeptember 2024 Spotlight: Heart & Soul Dog Rescue
September 2024 Spotlight Heart & Soul Dog Rescue Heart & Soul Dog Rescue's mission is to rescue dogs from New Jersey's overcrowded shelters. Jacky, founder and president of Heart & Soul Dog Rescue, began volunteering at a high-kill, inner city shelter in 2018, but prior to this, she had been saving dogs off the streets for 15 years. Shortly after she began volunteering, and after the devastating loss of her second pitbull, Jacky adopted her first rescued dog. The new dog was chaotic, and Jacky had no clue how to handle her. So she enrolled in classes to become a trainer and decided to make it her mission to rescue dogs who were often overlooked because of behavioral issues typically associated with kennel stress. After working with many rescues throughout the years, Jacky realized it was her time to start her own nonprofit. So in 2023, Heart & Soul Dog Rescue was born. Jacky put together an amazing team including board members, Megan and Colleen, and volunteers, Melanie, Jonathan, Darlene, and Jordan. Utilizing their combined talents, Heart & Soul Dog Rescue has grown quickly, and in just over one year, the team has rescued 17 dogs and placed them in amazing new homes. Each Heart & Soul Dog Rescue success story is unique and may involve a multitude of approaches to include rehabilitation, socialization, training, and advocating for the underdog. Red is one such story. After living in a shelter for 2.5 years, Red was doomed for euthanasia through no fault of his own. Thankfully, Heart & Soul Dog Rescue was able to secure a board and trainer for Red and ultimately placed him with the most amazing adopter. Red has been such a pleasure since the day he was rescued and he is now living his very best life which is more than anyone dreamed could have happened. Another amazing success story is Ruger, who was rescued from a shelter in March 2024. Ruger arrived with two embedded metal wires in his neck and was covered in maggots. He had been so mistreated, Jacky’s team thought he would never trust a human again, but they had a great feeling about Ruger, so they took a chance on him. Ruger was able to be rehabilitated, learned to trust again, and is currently living in a foster-to-adopt home. These are just two incredible Heart & Soul Dog Rescue success stories - there are many more stories and the team will continue doing their best to always watch out for the overlooked and misunderstood underdogs. Most people tend to walk past the shelter dogs who are going crazy in their kennels, but Heart & Soul Dog Rescue gravitates toward these dogs because they recognize and understand the dogs are screaming for help. With a trainer on their board, Heart & Soul Dog Rescue is able to rehabilitate dogs with behavioral issues and get ready for adoption. After adoptions are complete, Heart & Soul Dog Rescue continues to provide the adoptive family with training. In addition, this amazing non-profit offers FREE boarding for all adopted dogs when their new families go on vacation (ample advance notice is required for booking)!. All rescued dogs come fully vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and trained. Heart & Soul Dog Rescue is a 501c3 non-profit animal organization that relies on donations from supporters to continue providing services to these amazing dogs. No contribution is too small! 4Knines also likes to support the underdog, and we are delighted to help raise awareness for Heart & Soul Dog Rescue as they continue to grow! We hope you will consider donating to Heart & Soul Dog Rescue so Jacky and her team can keep doing the hard work of rescuing forgotten dogs who deserve a new beginning. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreAdventuring with Dogs: 5,000 Miles, 2 Dogs and 1 4Knines Dog Hammock
Adventuring with Dogs: 5,000 Miles, 2 Dogs and 1 4Knines Dog Hammock By Amber Drake This is a story about a summer adventure that included 2 humans, 2 dogs, 9 states and 4Knines. We emBARKED on our journey in far west Texas, hitting the road to visit family and enjoy the Pacific Northwest. To get ready for the trip, we put our truck in “Dog Mode” which includes folding up the rear seats and putting our homemade dog platform in so the dogs have a stable, flat spot for their travels. Next is the 4Knines Floor Hammock® for Crew Cab Trucks. We have tried many dog hammocks over the years and this one is by far the highest quality and only one that fits in a crew cab truck with the seats folded up! Next we squish 2 large size dog beds into the rear cab of the truck, now it’s ready for the dogs! We loaded up the human accessories and other dog accessories in the bed of the truck, protected from the weather by a tonneau cover for our journey. You don’t want wet dog food when you arrive at your destination! For our trip planning, we try to stop every 3 or so hours to let the dogs (and humans) stretch their legs. For this trip, we used an off-road navigation app to help us find spots off the beaten path where we could safely let our dogs run and play fetch with their ball. This included many forest service roads in New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Colorado on our long road trip that spanned the course of a few months. We spent time with family and our dogs enjoyed lounging in the lush green grass of the Seattle area that we do not have in West Texas! They also got to play on a beach and splash in the ocean for the first time… super glad our dog hammock kept the sand and water off our truck seats! If you take your dog to the beach, make sure you have plenty of towels, but also know that no matter how hard you try, they will still be wet when you load them into the car. Our trip also involved romping in the snow and mud in the mountains of Oregon in June. We didn’t expect snow in June, so we did not have towels, but luckily, we did have our dog hammock that saved our seats and floor. In addition to snow, we also found plenty of dust in the mountains near Bend, OR. The dust is very fine, like baby powder and seems to get into every nook and cranny of EVERYTHING! We discovered having a Swiffer duster around helped with some of the dust that settled on the dashboard and every other crevice of the vehicle but didn’t have to worry too much about the back seat that was protected by the hammock. We were also lucky enough to get to try kayaking in Washington state where the dogs briefly tried to swim along side the kayak, so one of us had to hang out on shore to keep them entertained while the other paddled around in the lake. Now back home, settling in to our regular routines, we look back at the adventures that we had and are ready to rest up for the next adventure when the opportunity arises. A few tips we learned along the way: Always have towels with you Bring a 4Knines dog hammock — it will save your sanity AND your seats! If your dog loves balls, always bring a spare in case one gets lost A water jug with a spout makes it easy to get water for the dogs and for hand washing About The Author Amber Drake is a dog mom, graphic designer and outdoor enthusiast!
Learn moreAugust 2024 Spotlight: True Love Rescue
August 2024 Spotlight True Love Rescue True Love Rescue, based in Lodi California, is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue of Golden Retrievers. Their mission is to rescue displaced, abused, abandoned, or neglected dogs and find them a well-deserved forever loving home. True Love Rescue places over 200 dogs a year and is committed to meeting the needs of the Golden Retriever breed both locally and internationally. True Love Rescue was founded by Board President Jill Morgan in 2012 when she adopted a Golden (Harley) through a partnership with a rescue in Taiwan. Harley was found in a landfill and was in poor condition weighing only 35 pounds. Harley became the inspiration for True Love Rescue, and although he recently passed, his legacy continues. Through continued partnerships with rescue groups in Taiwan, True Love Rescue supports the rescue of large-breed stray dogs - many of whom are abandoned family pets forced to live on the streets and are in desperate need of love and care. There are thousands of stray dogs living in the island nation. Finding new homes for strays is difficult and shelters are beyond capacity, so True Love Rescue flies rescued dogs to Northern California where many wonderful families await their arrival. The True Love Rescue team has grown over the years and is made up of a network of volunteers around California, Arizona, and Nevada. Their experienced volunteers are able to care for puppies, adults, seniors and special needs dogs. All rescued dogs are given a thorough physical exam that includes vaccinations, spay/neuter (age dependent), microchipping, and parasite testing/treatment. During the pandemic, many backyard puppy mills started popping up as the demand for puppies increased. True Love Rescue has been able to bring many of these breeding adults and puppies into their rescue and place them in homes where they never have to breed again. True Love Rescue is committed to shutting down irresponsible breeders and to give overbred dogs and their puppies a new lease on life. 4Knines is proud to shine a light on the tireless efforts of True Love Rescue’s volunteers. Please join us in supporting this nonprofit by making a donation or contributing to their upcoming Woof, Wag, and Wine fundraiser in Lodi, California. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreKeeping Your Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks Celebrations
Keeping Your Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks Celebrations The 4th of July is a time of celebration, marked by barbecues, parades, and fireworks. While these festivities are enjoyable for us, they can be a source of stress and danger for our pets. More pets go missing around and on the Fourth of July than any other holiday, says Arizona Humane Society. The loud noises, flashing lights, and general commotion can cause anxiety and fear in animals, leading to potential escape attempts or injury. Here are some essential tips to keep your furry friends safe and calm during Independence Day celebrations. 1. Create a Safe Space Before the fireworks begin, set up a quiet, comfortable area in your home where your pet can retreat. This could be a cozy corner of a room or a crate covered with a blanket to muffle the sounds. Make sure this space is stocked with their favorite toys, bedding, and some treats. 2. Keep Them Indoors Even if your pet is used to being outside, it's best to keep them indoors during fireworks. The unfamiliar noises and bright flashes can startle them, increasing the risk of them running away or getting injured. Ensure all doors, windows, and gates are securely closed to prevent any accidental escapes. 3. Use Calming Techniques There are various ways to help calm your pet during fireworks. Some pets respond well to background noise, such as playing soft music or turning on the television. You might also consider using pheromone diffusers or calming collars, which release natural scents that can help reduce anxiety. 4. Stay With Them If possible, stay home with your pets during the fireworks. Your presence can provide reassurance and comfort. Try to remain calm and composed, as pets can pick up on your emotions. Engage them with toys or activities to distract them from the noise outside. 5. Consult Your Veterinarian If your pet has a severe fear of fireworks, consult your veterinarian. They can provide advice on anxiety-reducing techniques and may prescribe medication if necessary. Never give your pet any medication without consulting a professional. 6. Ensure Proper Identification In case your pet does escape, it's crucial to have proper identification. Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an up-to-date ID tag. Consider having them microchipped as an added precaution. This can significantly increase the chances of your pet being returned to you if they get lost. 7. Keep Hazardous Items Out of Reach Fireworks, sparklers, and other celebratory items can be dangerous if ingested by pets. Ensure that these items are stored out of reach and properly disposed of after use. 8. Plan Ahead Preparation is key. Start acclimating your pet to the sounds of fireworks well in advance by playing recordings at a low volume and gradually increasing it. This can help them become desensitized to the noise over time. Additionally, plan your day so that your pet has had plenty of exercise and mental stimulation before the evening’s festivities begin, which can help them feel more relaxed. Conclusion By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your pet stays safe and calm during the 4th of July celebrations. Remember, a little preparation and attention can go a long way in preventing stress and keeping your furry friend happy. Have a happy and safe Independence Day!
Learn moreJuly 2024 Spotlight: Canine Companions
July 2024 Spotlight Canine Companions One in four Americans live with a disability and Canine Companions is here to help! Established in 1975, Canine Companions is the largest non-profit provider of service dogs in the United States. At no cost to clients, Canine Companions provides service dogs to adults, children, and veterans with disabilities and facility dogs to professionals working in healthcare, criminal justice, and educational settings. A Canine Companions service dog enhances independence for clients with a wide range of disabilities, including multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, stroke, hearing loss, developmental delay, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. By helping clients overcome physical, psychological and social barriers, Canine Companions service dogs help their humans live with greater independence. 4Knines learned about Canine Companions from a customer (Jimmy) who was recently matched with his service dog, Maximo. Jimmy has graciously permitted 4Knines to share his Canine Companions journey in his own words: "I am proud to say I have successfully completed my Service Dog training with Canine Companions Northeast Training Center. Canine Companions is a Non-Profit Service Dog Organization offering all of their dogs free of charge to their recipients. They are also the biggest Service Dog Organization in the country. During my training, I was matched with Maximo, and he will be my forever PTSD Service Dog. I had extreme fear and anxiety. I’ve been on endless medications, had endless PTSD episodes, and endless therapy sessions, but I’ve always known this service dog was the missing puzzle piece. To not feel judged by such a pure animal and loved no matter what means the world. To not have to rely on another medication or another side effect is truly amazing. In these short 2 weeks Max has been everything I could have asked for in a service dog and more. Maximo has brought things out of me that I haven’t seen in years of myself. Such as getting me out of the house a bit more, making me more confident, and helping subside my PTSD symptoms. Sure, I still have mental illness, but Maximo can help me live better with it. I dreamed of this, I worked extremely hard for this. And I am proud of myself. I am thankful my husband provided endless support and love during my ongoing battle with mental struggles and for keeping me focused on this end goal. Thanks to my husband and Maximo, I am excited for our future. I cannot thank Canine Companions for this amazing opportunity and their extremely kind staff. The trainers worked us hard, but it was all worth it in the end. The classmates I graduated with have become lifelong friends. I’m so happy for us all and our matches, and I am forever grateful. Cheers to what lies ahead with our little family." Jimmy’s story is one of many testimonials illustrating how the unconditional love of a dog, coupled with the extensive breeding, training, and care provided to every Canine Companions human-service dog team can truly be life changing for everyone. As Jimmy mentioned, Canine Companions does not charge for service dogs or for the lifetime of ongoing support they provide. As a result, they depend on private funding through donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and community organizations. 4Knines is honored to shine a light on the philanthropic work of Canine Companions! We hope you will consider making a donation to support their mission to provide expertly trained service dogs to adults, children and veterans with disabilities. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreCamp Canine: Essential Gear and Advice for Camping with Your Furry Companion
Camp Canine: Essential Gear and Advice for Camping with Your Furry Companion By Fionna Galliard Photo by Patrick Hendry from Unsplash Camping with your dog transforms an ordinary trip into an unforgettable adventure. Imagine the joy of exploring trails, stargazing by the fire, and waking up to your dog's wagging tail. With a bit of preparation, you and your furry companion can enjoy the great outdoors safely and comfortably. Let's dive into creating the perfect camping experience for you both! Choosing the Right Breed for Camping While any dog can enjoy camping with the right preparation, some breeds are particularly well-suited for outdoor adventures. Breeds like the Labrador Retriever, Australian Shepherd, and Border Collie are known for their high energy levels and love for nature, making them dogs perfect for hiking and camping. These breeds thrive in outdoor environments, showing great endurance and enthusiasm for activities like hiking, swimming, and exploring new trails. Picking the Right Campsite Look for dog-friendly campsites that welcome pets and have amenities like waste stations and dog-friendly trails. When selecting a spot, consider the safety of the terrain and the presence of wildlife. Campsites near water sources are excellent, as many dogs love to splash and swim. Make sure the campsite provides shade and a flat area for setting up your tent, ensuring your dog can rest comfortably. Essential Gear for Your Dog If you’re planning a dog-friendly road trip, ensure everything you need is within easy reach. Here’s a look at the essentials: Collar and Leash: Choose sturdy, reflective gear for safety and visibility, especially in low-light conditions. Identification Tags and Microchip: Ensure your dog can be easily identified if they get lost in unfamiliar surroundings. Portable Dog Bed or Sleeping Pad: Provide a comfortable place for your dog to rest after a day of adventure. Dog-Specific First Aid Kit: Include essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and any necessary medications. Food and Water Bowls: Opt for lightweight, collapsible options that are easy to pack and carry. Dog Jacket or Sweater: Protect your dog against sudden weather changes, keeping them warm and dry. Booties: Safeguard your dog's paws from rough terrain, hot surfaces, and potential injuries. Safety Tips and Considerations There are plenty of fun activities with dogs, including outdoor adventures. But this should not be an excuse to focus only on the fun part and ignore safety. Here are some crucial tips to keep in mind: Hydration and Nutrition: Keep your dog well-fed and hydrated. Always bring enough food and fresh water, and avoid letting your dog drink from unknown water sources. Tick and Flea Prevention: Apply tick and flea preventatives before your trip to protect your dog from parasites. Wildlife Awareness: Train your dog to avoid wildlife encounters. Keep your dog on a leash or under control to prevent dangerous interactions with wild animals. Campfire Safety: Ensure your dog stays at a safe distance from the campfire to avoid burns and accidents. Supervise them around the fire at all times. Temperature Regulation: Be mindful of the weather. Provide shade and a cool place for your dog in hot conditions, and warmth in cooler temperatures. Emergency Plan: Have an emergency plan in place. Know the location of the nearest vet and have a list of emergency contacts handy. Wrapping Up A well-prepared camping trip with your dog promises unforgettable experiences and the joy of exploring nature together. With the right gear and safety measures, your adventure will be both fun and safe. Cherish the moments, enjoy the journey, and make the most of your time in the great outdoors. Happy camping! About The Author Fionna Galliard, a passionate dog lover, is currently expanding her pet family by adopting a cat. By day, she works diligently as a paralegal, navigating legal complexities. Beyond her main job, she delves into sideline writing gigs, leveraging her creativity and versatility to explore diverse topics and narratives.
Learn moreJune 2024 Spotlight: Cody's Friends Charity
June 2024 Spotlight Cody's Friends Charity Cody’s Friends is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, dedicated to improving the lives of people in need and their pets, founded by Cody Allen in 2011 when he was ten years old. It all started with a school project about John F. Kennedy’s famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." The quote challenged and inspired the fifth-grader, so he asked his mom if he could start a charity helping people and pets with donated pet food. Cody and his mom began making flyers and passing them around their neighborhood. For the next four years, they drove around in mom’s minivan picking up donations off of people’s front porches and hand-delivering them to people in need and to animal rescue groups. Thirteen years later, Cody’s Friends continues to support the crucial bond between human and animal welfare. Those in need will do all they can for their pet - even if it means feeding them their own food. In 2023, Cody's Friends distributed almost two million pounds of pet food and critical pet supplies, spending more than $125,000 on pet food alone - up from $87,000 in 2022. "Clearly the need is only getting greater. Pet food donations are down nationwide and costs for pet food continue to climb," according to Amber Allen, Cody’s Friend’s Director and Cody's Mom. Providing this crucial assistance now often means the difference between keeping the pet and the family together or not. Thousands of people in need in southern Arizona depend on Cody’s Friends for pet food. They come to weekly distributions for their own dogs and cats, they come for help feeding community cats, and more than 50 human service agencies like food banks, women's shelters, first responders, and veterans' organizations come weekly to fill their shelves with donated pet food for their own clients and guests, serving as Cody's satellite outposts. Additionally, Cody's Friends is an ambassador for Greater Goods Charities GOODS Program, providing donated pet food and supplies to more than 100 approved 501c3 rescue groups across the southwest. 4Knines is thrilled to feature Cody's Friends in this month’s Monthly Spotlight. We hope you will consider donating to support Cody’s mission! Cody’s Friends relies on generous donations to keep all these pets fed. If you live in Tucson, please also consider dropping off unused pet food or supplies at one of our 60-plus Donation Stations. Thank you for supporting Cody's mission of keeping pets and people together! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreMay 2024 Spotlight: Service Dog Project
May 2024 Spotlight Service Dog Project People are always wowed by the size and power of Great Danes but often don’t realize the breed is well adapted to be trained as service dogs. If its owner starts to fall, a Great Dane can provide counterbalance and brace, which is more difficult for a smaller Labrador or a Golden Retriever. This makes the work of the local nonprofit Service Dog Project (SDP) crucial. Based in Ipswich, Massachusetts, their mission is to create a partnership that enhances a recipient’s quality of life as they attain greater independence. In creating the partnership between Great Dane and recipient, SDP is dedicated to the values of respect, integrity, inclusion, compassion, collaboration, equality, and courage. Service Dog Project has provided more than 200 certified Great Dane service dogs to veterans, first responders, and people who struggle with their balance and mobility. Great Danes are bred, raised, and trained on the SDP farm. During the first month, they are supervised 24/7 by SDP staff and volunteers. After the dogs are fully trained, they are paired with a recipient and trained to meet their specific needs. As balance dogs, they are trained to walk steadily in harness and match the handler's speed. They are also taught to stop and brace themselves in case the handler falls and needs assistance to stand up. For several years, Service Dog Project struggled to secure much-needed donations. Enter Boston University’s College of Communication students. Students enrolled in the Media Strategies and Management course partnered with Service Dog Project to provide pro bono marketing and public relations support. Valued 4Knines customer James Grasso is a COM professor at Boston University who formed the COM partnership. James specializes in mass communication, advertising, and public relations. His students took on account manager roles, aiming to understand what the Service Dog Project most needed, deciding between a social media overhaul, fundraising outreach, and an updated website. “The Service Dog Project mission is so unique, and the way they train the dogs is so unique since Great Danes aren’t usually trained as service dogs,” says Grasso. “For this class, the course is designed to demonstrate to students what it’s like working at a real-world PR agency.” Grasso hopes to continue this partnership with Service Dog Project saying, “They need funding to continue, and so it’s a win-win for everyone. They need donations and exposure, and to get the exposure, you need people who have the talents I had in my class.” Service Dog Project’s president, Lynn George, is forever grateful for the student partnership. “They spun our company around, helped us get more volunteers, and got our new website up and running,” says Lynn. “They reached out to different organizations for donations, put up flyers, donated their time. At our open house, we had so many people here. I couldn’t figure out how to get Google to find us, and now Google directs to our website. Something that would have taken me three days to do on the website took them 10 minutes. They are so smart.” 4Knines loves to showcase unique animal advocacy groups in our Monthly Spotlight articles. This month, we are proud to feature Service Dog Project and also congratulate the students who helped this fabulous nonprofit garner much-deserved attention and much-needed donations. We hope you will join 4Knines in supporting SDP’s worthy mission with your donations. If you would like to read more about the student partnership with Service Dog Project, please click here for the full article. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreNo More Barking at the Mailman! Tips to Stop Unwanted Dog Behaviors
No More Barking at the Mailman! Tips to Stop Unwanted Dog Behaviors By Pauline Patterson Picture your morning disrupted by the familiar sound of your dog barking furiously at the mailman. It's a daily ritual that has the neighborhood birds scattering and leaves you scrambling to calm the chaos. It's not just the noise; it's the worry of what could happen if your dog's excitement ever tipped over the edge. Now, imagine a quiet morning when the mail arrives, and your dog simply wags their tail, acknowledging the mailman with a calm curiosity. That serene scenario is more plausible than you might think. With the right approach, transforming your dog from a fierce guardian of the mailbox into a composed companion is entirely achievable. So, buckle up! We're about to embark on a journey from mayhem to harmony. Ready to see how? Let’s dive in! Understanding Dog Behavior Dogs don't just bark at the mailman to disrupt your tranquil morning coffee; their reactions are complex, stemming from a mixture of instinct, emotion, and learned behavior. Recognizing and empathizing with the motives behind their actions is not just insightful; it's transformative in our approach to guidance and correction. Why Dogs Bark at the Mailman Territorial Instincts: Dogs are guardians of their territory by nature. The mailman's daily appearance at your doorstep is perceived as a potential threat, activating their instinct to protect and alert. Fear: It's not uncommon for dogs to bark out of fear. A stranger invading their perceived safe space can be daunting and trigger a defensive reaction to keep the intruder at bay. Excitement: For some dogs, the mailman's visit is the most exciting part of their day. This excitement can manifest in vocalizations as they express their eagerness and interest in this recurring visitor. Lack of Socialization: Dogs that have yet to be adequately exposed to various people and environments may have a heightened sensitivity to new or unfamiliar individuals, like the mail carrier. This lack of socialization can lead to more pronounced reactions to perceived intruders. Curiosity: Dogs are naturally curious creatures, and the mailman's regular visits present a mystery and novelty that sparks their interest. This curiosity can drive them to bark as they try to engage with or learn more about this frequent visitor. Communication: Barking at the mailman can also be a dog's way of communicating with its owner or an outsider. It's a method of signaling that something is happening or they have noticed someone approaching their home. Beyond Barking: Other Unwanted Behaviors More than the echo of incessant barking, dogs can exhibit many unwanted behaviors that challenge even the most patient pet owners. From destructive chewing and digging to aggression and jumping on guests, each action speaks volumes about their underlying needs and emotions. Understanding these behaviors is the first step toward addressing them effectively. Strategies for Preventing Unwanted Behaviors Prevention extends beyond halting negative actions; it encompasses cultivating an environment where your dog can flourish. This is paramount because the stress induced by such behaviors can cascade, affecting the welfare of other pets, particularly in a multi-pet household. This principle isn't confined to just furry companions; even other types of pets can be adversely affected. For example, the reasons your Betta fish passed away may occasionally be linked to the stressful environment fostered by the behaviors of other pets. Gradual Desensitization Start by exposing your dog to the trigger (in this case, the mailman) from a distance that doesn't cause them to react aggressively. Gradually decrease this distance, rewarding calm behavior with treats and praise. This method helps your dog associate the mailman's visits with positive outcomes rather than something to fear or get overly excited about. Create Positive Associations Whenever the mailman arrives, and your dog notices but doesn't bark, immediately reward them. This could be with their favorite treat, a toy, or verbal praise. Over time, your dog will learn that remaining calm and quiet rewards them, shifting their perspective on the mailman's visits. Engage in Mindful Interaction Be mindful of how your reactions to your dog's behavior can reinforce its actions. Calm, controlled responses can help model the behavior you wish to see in your dog. Avoid inadvertently encouraging excitement or stress by keeping greetings low-key and consistently rewarding calm behavior. Foster Social Skills in Controlled Settings Safely socializing your dog with other dogs and people in controlled environments can improve their reactions to strangers and new experiences. Consider small group classes or playdates with known, well-behaved dogs to enhance their social skills. Offer Structured Play and Interaction Structured playtime helps burn off excess energy and teaches your dog self-control and patience. Games that require waiting for a command to fetch or find not only entertain but also educate, instilling discipline and focus. Implement Routine Training Sessions Consistent training is crucial in managing any unwanted behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques to teach commands like "quiet" or "sit." Dog training provides mental stimulation and strengthens the bond between you and your pet, making them more likely to listen to your commands. Block Visual Triggers If seeing the mailman triggers your dog's barking, try blocking their view. Use curtains, move furniture, or apply window film that makes it difficult for your dog to see outside when the mailman usually arrives. Without the visual trigger, your dog is less likely to react. Seek Professional Help Sometimes, even if you put in your best efforts, you may require additional assistance. If your dog's behavior is challenging, consider hiring a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can offer personalized strategies and training plans suited to your dog's specific needs. Wrapping Up Getting your dog to dial down the drama is about more than quick fixes. It's about patience, understanding, and sometimes a bit of professional wisdom. This journey is more than just stopping the barkfest; it’s about ensuring everyone in the house can live their best life. So, keep at it with love and patience, and don't be shy about asking for help. Here's to a happier, more peaceful home for all your furry and finned friends! About The Author Pauline Patterson is a passionate writer who loves delving into the deep connection between people and their pets. Focusing on pet-centered stories, she aims to educate and motivate readers to care for their furry companions with her engaging and informative writing.
Learn moreApril 2024 Spotlight: Northwest Boxer Rescue
April 2024 Spotlight Northwest Boxer Rescue: Giving Boxers a Second Chance In a world where many animals are abandoned or left homeless, Northwest Boxer Rescue (NWBR) stands as a beacon of hope for boxers in need. With a steadfast mission and a dedicated team of volunteers, NWBR is committed to providing shelter, medical care, and most importantly, loving forever homes for boxers across the Northwest region. Northwest Boxer Rescue firmly believes every boxer deserves a chance to live a happy and fulfilling life in a caring environment. Whether they have been abandoned, neglected, or simply need a new home, the doors at NWBR are open to these wonderful dogs, giving them the opportunities they deserve. Northwest Boxer Rescue rescue efforts are made possible through the collaboration of passionate volunteers who generously donate their time and expertise. Together, they rescue boxers year-round, offering temporary care and unwavering support until they find their perfect match. But their mission extends beyond just rescue and rehoming. Northwest Boxer Rescue is dedicated to educating the public about responsible pet ownership and the importance of spaying and neutering to help end animal overpopulation. NWBR strives to make a lasting impact on the welfare of boxers and other animals in the communities they serve. At NWBR, no dog is ever discriminated against based on health or age. Every boxer entering into their care is evaluated, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and provided with any necessary medical treatment before being placed in carefully screened homes. NWBR’s commitment to the well-being of these animals is unwavering, ensuring they receive the love and care they deserve. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Northwest Boxer Rescue relies on the generosity of donors and volunteers to continue our lifesaving work. Every contribution, whether big or small, makes a difference in the lives of boxers in need. Join 4Knines in supporting Northwest Boxer Rescue’s mission to give boxers a second chance at a happy and fulfilling life. Together, we can make a difference, one boxer at a time. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
Learn moreThe Mom’s Choice Awards Names 4Knines Among the Best in Family-Friendly Products
The Mom’s Choice Awards Names 4Knines Among the Best in Family-Friendly Products The Mom’s Choice Awards® has named 4Knines as among the best in family-friendly media, products and services. The MCA evaluation process uses a propriety methodology in which entries are scored on a number of elements including production quality, design, educational value, entertainment value, originality, appeal, and cost. "We are thrilled to earn the Mom’s Choice Awards Honoring Excellence Seal of Approval,” says Jim, Founder of 4Knines. “We know all the great things the MCA does to connect consumers, educators, and caregivers with the best products and services available for families." To be considered for an award, each entrant submits five (5) identical samples for testing. Entries are matched to evaluators in the MCA database. Evaluators are bound by a strict code of ethics not only to ensure objectivity, but also to ensure that the evaluation is free from manufacturer influence. The five evaluations are submitted to the MCA Executive Committee for final review and approval. "Our aim to introduce families and educators to best-in-class products and services,” explains Dawn Matheson, Executive Director of the Mom’s Choice Awards. “We have a passion to help families grow emotionally, physically and spiritually. Parents and educators know that products and services bearing our seal of approval are high-quality and also a great value. The MCA evaluation program is designed to incorporate the expertise of scientists, physicians and other specialists; but we also engage parents, children, educators, and caregivers because they are experts in knowing what is best for their families.” About the Mom’s Choice Awards® The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and services created for children,families and educators. The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of entries from more than 55 countries. Around the world, parents, educators, retailers and members of the media look for the MCA mother-and-child Honoring Excellence seal of approval when selecting quality products and services for children and families. Learn more about the Mom's Choice Awards by visiting their website: www.MomsChoiceAwards.com. Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Help 4Knines Give Back Does your local animal advocacy group deserve recognition and support? We invite you to nominate them to be our next Spotlight. Fill out the form at the button below and our dedicated team will reach out. Let's join forces to make a positive impact! Spotlight Nomination Form Learn How 4Knines Gives Back ➜
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