10 Life Hacks For Dog Parents
Life hacks have been all the rage these last few years, only growing in popularity. And why wouldn't they? Anything we could do in our lives to make normal every days tasks easier is a welcome in my eyes.
But what about life hacks for dog parents? Have I peaked your interest yet? Read on!
1. A lot of people won't let their dogs on the furniture.
While some people simply don't want them up there, others have this rule set in place because they don't want dog fur all over their sofa. My suggestion? Grab a sheet, a couch cover, or a blanket, throw it up when puppy wants to come up and snuggle. Remove when its time to get down.
2) Keeping number one in mind...
If you don't want to take the time to throw a sheet over your sofa, here's something useful... DRYER SHEETS TO THE RESCUE! Did you know dryer sheets pick up dog fur off of fabric incredibly well? Now you know. You're welcome.
3) Want to keep your dog busy on a rainy day, but don't have the money for those expensive treat puzzle toys?
Cupcake pans. Yes... cupcake pans. take a cupcake pan (muffin pan) put some small treats in a few of the slots, and place tennis balls over top of each slot. Let your dog find out which ones have treats in them!!!
4) Do your dogs like to dig up the yard when you're outside having playtime?
Try making them their very own doggie sandbox. Reward them for using it, and soon they will learn where it is okay to dig, and where it isn't.
5) Are you one of those people who always see these incredible recipes for frozen treats, or any dog treat for that matter, but you just don't have time to try it? Or you really aren't the baking type?
A super quick and easy recipe for a summer treat... Are you ready? Organic beef/chicken broth. Pour into ice cube trays. freeze. That is all.
6) As a Siberian Husky owner, I know the struggle is real when it comes to dog fur on carpets. Sure if you have a vacuum that works well your good to go right?
Wrong... I have been through so many vacuums it's ridiculous. But who needs to spend hundreds of dollars on vacuums in their lifetime when you can just use a squeegee? Rake your carpet with the squeegee and watch the fur come up! It's a beautiful thing.
7) Do you have one of those super fluffer duffer dogs where the fur is so thick it's nearly impossible to check for fleas?
Try the white towel test! Lay a white towel on the floor under your dog, and brush him out! If there are fleas, chances are a few of them will fall onto the towel. At the very least some flea dirt will. Problem solved.
8) This next hack is more known, but hey, you never know who hasn't heard it yet. If you cut your dogs nail too short, or if they caught it on something and is bleeding... flour, cornstarch or baking soda is very handy to have.
Either dip your dog's toenail right in the powder of one of the things mentioned above, or if you have time, make a paste out of it with some water, then apply to the nail. Little bit of pressure afterward and the bleeding will stop.
9) Does your dog always seem to find a way to open up the trash can lid?
Try using some baby locks to keep it shut.
10) I saved the best for last. Dog fur.
An ongoing struggle. To the point where I started joking with people that the dog fur on my clothes was simply a fashion statement. My solution? TAPE! Any tape will do, but wide packing tape works wonders. Wrap it around your hand backward and go nuts on your clothes.
Have you used any of these life hacks as a dog parent? Do you have any paw-some hacks to add to the list?
Jenna Drady
Hi, I'm Jenna Drady AKA HuskyCrazed - author and creator of ownedbyahusky.ca. I am a mother of two beautiful daughters and of course my 3 huskies. Being a husky mom for a long duration of my life, I was inspired to begin writing about them. In doing so, I started doing massive research on dog behavior, and all things dog in general. I am inspired every day by my family, and love to bring my readers valuable information as well as a little laugh while i’m at it. I created my own business partnered with my lovely mother while blogging called Pawz N Clawz Jewelry N Things.
We currently sell handmade jewelry with added pet charms, as well as a few dog toys too! As an animal rights activist, and huge believer in helping pets who have been stuck in shelters, we donate a portion of our sales to local shelters throughout Canada.