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Why I DON’T Train My Clients’ Dogs to Heel
In the basic obedience classes I teach as a dog trainer, I don’t spend hours training the dogs to heel. I don’t even spend much time on loose-leash walking as a trained behavior. I simply direct my students to the smorgasbord of anti-pull gear at the local pet store (front-clip harnesses and head halters), and move on to other items on the curriculum, like safety recalls, jumping up, and leave-it. It’s not that training dogs to heel isn’t fun–it certainly can be, if we toss the out-moded leash-pop and use a modern training plan. But few of my students actually … Continue reading →
Learn moreImportant Trail Etiquette You Should Know When Walking Your Dog
I love walking with my dogs on the local rail trail in New Hampshire or on the beach in the off-season on Cape Cod. I feel rejuvenated after getting some fresh air and some vigorous exercise and I know the dogs are better for it. They are more content, less destructive and there is an overall calmness. My partner likes to say that dogs need more energy-withdrawals than deposits. Dogs that sit around the house, day after day are making energy deposits. Dogs that are walked regularly or go on hikes are having energy withdrawals. I believe there is dog … Continue reading →
Learn moreHow to Stop Your Dog From Being Scared of Traveling in a Car
Most of the time, dogs who have a fear of going in a car have had some sort of traumatic memory in the past. This doesn’t have to be anything that we, as humans, would call traumatic, however. Indeed, it may seem as if from one day to the next, your dog simply decides to be scared of vehicles.
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