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Does Your Dog Need a Sweater?

Does Your Dog Need a Sweater?

Does your dog need a sweater? The answer depends on where you live, what kind of dog you have, and in some cases, personal preference. I love dog sweaters (and so does my dog), but I also live in the Midwest where sub-zero days in January and February are the norm. Dogs with thick fur stay warm on their own as long as they stay dry. While others – shorthaired or short-legged dogs, seniors, puppies, toy breeds, thin dogs with very little body fat, and dogs with chronic health or immune system issues – need the extra layer when the …  Continue reading →

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5 Reasons Why Adopting a Senior Dog Beats Buying a Puppy

5 Reasons Why Adopting a Senior Dog Beats Buying a Puppy

While everyone loves puppies with their playful ways, perky personalities and plump, cuddly bodies, the ‘cute factor’ is less obvious with our older canine friends. This means they’re often overlooked when it comes to people thinking about bringing a dog into the family and shelters struggle to find them homes. This is a real shame as seniors have a lot of cute, plus more, to offer if we open our hearts and homes to them. Seniors Know Everything Well, maybe not everything that would be weird, but where puppies need to be taught the lot, older dogs have already mastered …  Continue reading →

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