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Holistic-Integrative Pet Care: The Wave of the Future
Holistic veterinary care is in great demand these days. The term “holistic” implies that the entire being; body, mind and spirit, is being addressed. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This concept stands in direct opposition to the Western reductionist view of life. Modern medicine tends to break systems down into smaller and smaller pieces, reducing them to their basic building blocks to gain an understanding. Often, the modern doctor loses sight of the forest for the trees. Holistic medicine takes many forms, but there are common principles among these various techniques. First of all, health … Continue reading →
Learn moreFleas, Seasonal Allergies, or Food Allergies? How to Tell Them Apart in Your Pet & How to Treat Them
We’ve all probably seen our dogs lick or scratch themselves…they’re dogs, that’s what they do! If done once in a while, it’s not a problem. However when this becomes a frequent activity, something serious may be bothering your dog, and he’s certainly uncomfortable. What I’m talking about are canine allergies. Now allergies are not the only reason that dogs itch. There are other conditions that can cause itching such as a drug reaction; a bacterial infection; a fungal infection; a disease like pancreatic, liver or renal disease – these are just a few examples. Therefore it’s important to see your … Continue reading →
Learn moreHow to Manage and Treat Your Pet’s Bad Breath
Puppy breath is said to be cute, but as dogs get older, their breath can turn into something you’re less than excited about cuddling up with. If your dog wants to give you a full-face smooch, do you recoil from the smell? And cat owners know the feeling, too. Like when your cat yawns up close and personal by your face and the smell of her breath makes you want to faint. Phew! So how do we stop our furry friends from having dragon breath? First, we need to figure out root causes. Why Does My Pet Have Bad Breath? … Continue reading →
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