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Halloween Do’s and Don’ts for Your Dog

Halloween Do’s and Don’ts for Your Dog

Spooky costumes, scary decorations and let’s not forget candy, candy, and more CANDY!

Is it that time of year already?

October is here and Halloween is coming. Personally, Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. I love decorating, and dressing my kids (furry and human) up in costumes, and I love seeing the neighborhood all decked out with scary decor. But… for our dogs, the experience may not be so thrilling. Today lets think about some Halloween do’s and don’ts for your dog.


  • Have fun with costumes.

Just keep in mind the happiness of your dog. If you know he isn’t a huge fan of costumes, or it stresses him out, try an alternative. Something like a Halloween themed bandana.

  • Purchase, or bake your own.

Halloween goodies for your pooch! They sell loads of Halloween treats at pet stores during this time of year and if you are baking, find some cool scary pumpkin or skeleton cookie cutters!

  • Do you live in a small town? Organize a pet Halloween costume parade!!

Or even if you don’t live in a small town, keep it small to your neighborhood. This is fun you guys… Throw a scary bandana on your pooch who hates costumes… or dress up your diva dog in a super cute costume, and parade through town or your neighborhood!

  • Throw a pet-friendly dog costume party!

Gather up some friends, or post flyers around your neighborhood to meet at the local dog park for some Halloween fun! Or… if you have a nice big fenced in yard, throw your party at home! Get some Halloween themed treats and toys for the pups and have fun!

  • Take your dog for a trip to the pumpkin patch!

This is a great photo op, and can be fun for both you and you your furry pal.


  • Do not share any Halloween candy with your dog.

Although it may be tempting, this can make your dog very sick, and is highly recommended to keep all candy up in a cupboard.

  • Do not take your dog trick or treating.

I know I know… its hard to resist. But it really isn’t the best thing for your dog. Imagine being a dog, and its dark outside, and there is a bunch of scary costumes walking around, hyper, running children everywhere, spooky house decorations… it can all be overwhelming to a dog.

  • Do not let your dog come to the door with you when trick or treaters come calling.

Kids are excited during Halloween and may scare your dog.

  • Do not force your dog to wear a costume.

If he isn’t into it, then he isn’t into it. Like I mentioned above, for dogs who aren’t fans of being dressed up, simple is better. A holiday-themed bandana will work perfectly!

Side note: Many dogs go missing on Halloween night. Mainly from dogs darting out the door when trick or treaters come. Please keep your dog/cat away from the door during trick or treating. Better safe than sorry! We hope you have a GREAT Halloween!!

Any extra tips you want to add to this list, please leave a comment!

Jenna DradyJenna Drady

Jenna Drady is the author and creator of She is a mother of two beautiful daughters and 3 Siberian Huskies. Being a husky mom for a long duration of her life, Jenna was inspired to begin writing about them. In doing so, she began doing massive research on dog behavior, and all things dog in general. Jenna is inspired everyday by her family, and loves to bring her readers valuable information as well as a little humor too! Jenna has created her own business partnered with her lovely mother while blogging called Pawz N Clawz Jewelry N Things. They currently sell handmade jewelry with added pet charms, as well as a few dog toys too! As an animal rights activist, and huge believer in helping pets who have been stuck in shelters, they donate a portion of their sales to local shelters throughout Canada.

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