7 Of The Strangest/Funniest Dog Behaviors – Explained
If there is one thing we all know as pet owners, it is that each one of our babies has their own personalities. Their own little quirks, and behaviors that separate them from the rest. But what are some of the most common behaviors? And why on earth do they do some of these things?
Today, I have 7 of the strangest/funniest dog behaviors – explained!
1. Dreaming
While it is pretty normal to dream, some dogs go above and beyond! There are dogs who run in their sleep, dogs who bark, dogs who howl, whine, and even eat in their sleep! The reason for this is the same as us human folk. Brain activity!
2. The Poop Eaters
We have all seen it or at least heard of it. Dogs who eat their own poop, or poop from another dog. Why, oh why do our beloved furries do this habit that is nothing short of disgusting?
From my own research, I discovered a few things:
- Eating poop is a natural instinctive scavenging behavior inherited from ancestors
- They could be lacking in certain nutrients
- Pancreas issues
- Parasites. So if your dog is a poop eater, be sure that it out of habit and not an underlying health issue.
3. Circling Before Laying Down
A lot of dogs have this behavior. And a common explanation is they do this to ensure maximum comfort. Another natural instinct coming from ancestors who would do circles to pat down the grass in an area before laying down for a snooze.
4. Licking
I mean, they are dogs, so licking is normal right? To a point. But there is such thing as too much licking, or excessive licking. If your dog could literally sit there for hours and lick your leg. Or you notice your dog constantly licking the couch, or floor, he could have anxiety issues. Licking acts as a calming agent for a stressed-out pooch, or one who is dealing with some form of anxiety.
5. Suckling
This one is seen mostly in younger dogs, but if the habit isn’t stopped early on, older dogs can carry it on. Dogs who suckle on blanket, pillows, things that… cute as heck right? But there is normally a reason behind it. This dog could have been separated from mom too early. And while it appears to be adorable, there have been several cases of dogs getting a blockage, having surgery or even losing their lives due to a piece of the fabric coming off in their mouth while they are suckling. So if you have a dog who displays this behavior, I recommend putting a stop to it sooner rather than later. Try getting your pup to focus on something else when he starts suckling.
6. Dogs Who Can’t Stand Other Dogs While Out for Walkies
Have you ever seen those dogs that can play wonderfully with other dogs indoors, or off leash at a dog park, but that same dog acts like he should be number one on the top ten list of most aggressive dogs while he’s out for a walk on a leash? Reason?
This dog may feel like while he is leashed, he is vulnerable… He feels like he has to act big and tough as a warning to other dogs due to him being restrained. Another common reason for this is the feeling of having to protect their owner.
7. Dogs and Mirrors
Have you ever put your dog in front of a mirror to see what his reaction is? Some dogs won’t have a care in the world when it comes to mirrors while others will literally go crazy barking at this strange furry figure inside the frame. To them… they are seeing a dog, who has no smell, and is mimicking his behavior. He will go to all lengths to figure it out.
We are curious! What are some of the funniest/strangest behaviors your pets display?
Jenna Drady
Jenna Drady is the author and creator of ownedbyahusky.ca. She is a mother of two beautiful daughters and 3 Siberian Huskies. Being a husky mom for a long duration of her life, Jenna was inspired to begin writing about them. In doing so, she began doing massive research on dog behavior, and all things dog in general. Jenna is inspired everyday by her family, and loves to bring her readers valuable information as well as a little humor too! Jenna has created her own business partnered with her lovely mother while blogging called Pawz N Clawz Jewelry N Things. They currently sell handmade jewelry with added pet charms, as well as a few dog toys too! As an animal rights activist, and huge believer in helping pets who have been stuck in shelters, they donate a portion of their sales to local shelters throughout Canada.